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Liquid Drop
Liquid Drop

We are seeking to change our CIC benefit statement

As we grow we need to make sure that we are clear about who benefits from the work of our company. â€‹We are seeking to change our Community Interest Statement to clarify:

  • who the company will benefit.

  • what the company is being set up to do .

  • how the community will benefit.


We want to add psychology graduates and trainee educational psychologists, as well as qualified educational psychologists to our beneficiaries. This will mean that the company has more beneficiaries and engages in a wider range of activities. 

Fallen Tooths

Clarifying who we want to benefit

We want to continue focussing our benefit on children and young people.  However, we wanted to have clearer and more succinct description of who benefits and how we try to make a difference in their lives. The proposed new wording is below. 


The company's activities will benefit:

  • ​Children and young people aged 0-15 years who experience barriers to their development, wellbeing, social inclusion, participation and learning through:

    • direct work.​

    • indirectly through their parents, carers and those who work with them.

    • systemically by working with the organisations in their lives.


Helping Hand

Clarifying how we will have a community impact

We are not proposing any major changes to our company activities. However, we are proposing changing our wording so that what we do is clearer. 


This is the proposed wording for the activities which will benefit children and young people from 0-15 years.


Learning & Wellbeing Psychology is set up to deliver child and educational psychology services including these activities:

  • consultation;

  • assessment and advice;

  • direct psychological intervention to children;

  • direct psychological support to parents;

  • supervision and support;

  • training and development; and

  • research and evaluation.


We anticipate that the community will benefit by:

  • increased access to educational psychology services, based on need rather than the ability to pay.

  • most services being free at point of delivery to children, young people and their families.


The community will benefit from improved outcomes for children and young people's:

  • development;

  • wellbeing;

  • social inclusion;

  • participation; and

  • learning. 

We are seeking to include qualified Educational Psychologists as beneficiaries.

Learning & Wellbeing Psychology wants to include qualified Educational Psychologists as beneficiaries of the Community Interest Company. This is because where  Qualified Educational Psychologists have a working environment where they can apply the fullest range of their psychology training & skills in their work, the community will benefit from improved outcomes for children and young people. 

We are seeking to set up to develop as an organisation training the future workforce.

The largest area where we are seeking to change our community benefit statement is in developing as an organisation training the future workforce to apply psychology to working with children. 


This means we are seeking to add beneficiaries. These beneficiaries will be Psychology Students including graduates and educational psychology trainees.


This is because we recognise that in order to have an impact on children & young people there needs to be investment in the future of the profession. 



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