Through a mix of face-to-face and remote working, Educational Psychologists (EPs) are still able to provide effective and efficient support for schools during these challenging times. Here are just a few examples of the work our EPs have been doing during the coronavirus pandemic. If you feel your school would benefit from any of these things, please do get in touch (
1) Continual Professional Development (CPD) – we’ve seen a large increase in requests for training since the lockdown period. This is something that can be easily facilitated over online platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom Webinar. Whilst it might not conjure up the same feelings of connection that face-to-face training offers, the use of interactive software, chat functions and breakout rooms mean that training sessions can still be delivered in interactive ways. Plus, you can have a cup of tea and a biscuit at the same time!
2) Supervision – essential in ensuring the wellbeing of yourself and your staff is to provide access to a safe, reflective space. Whilst this is something which could be facilitated within school, research suggests that supervision is most effective when facilitated by an external professional as it allows more open, honest reflection. This can take the form of an informal discussion, but can also resemble a more structured practice, such as that of the 20 minute self-care space.
3) Consultations – again, use of online platforms such as Microsoft Teams allow for continued joint problem solving, hypothesising and formulation. In some cases, you might wish to discuss ongoing concerns that you have around a pupil or curriculum area, or alternatively, consultation can be used as a way of thinking about the ‘new normal’ and about how to best support students and staff as we travel through these uncertain times.
4) School development – it's not just children and young people that we work with. Educational Psychologists are trained in systemic practice; in considering how organisations function as a whole and supporting schools in the development of policy and practice. During the coronavirus pandemic, this might be useful when thinking about the logistics of children returning to school, taking into consideration the Government’s guidelines with regard to health and safety.
Ultimately, at Learning & Wellbeing Psychology, we aim to support schools through providing bespoke, tailored packages that directly meet your needs. Through this, we are able to meet our Community Interest Company objective of improving the experiences of children and young people through placing them at the centre of our work and developing strong working relationships with the important people in their lives.
To find out more about how we can meet the needs of your school, please check out our services or email us on